a-datatable is a Vue.js component to a simple but powerful datatable. The data is loaded from a predefined CSV file, this component was created with Vue CLI 3 and uses D3.js library to load the file properly.
Keywords: Vue.js, Vue CLI, CSS.
Um espresso, um dia is an experience involving two hobbies: coffee and photography. Basically, we went to a few cafes in our city, tasted the espresso, rated it and took some photos of the place. We created a Instragram`s account to it called @umespressoumdia and a website.
The website is a Jekyll blog with Materialize, it uses Leaflet to show all visited cafes on a map. All pictures are ours and are hosted on a Flickr account.
Keywords: Jekyll, Materialize CSS, Leaflet, FLickr API.
handy505 is a React application to a Pokémon Trading Card catalog. It's a simple and pure React application that consumes Pokémon TCG API with axios. Besides that, It uses ReactDOM, React Context API, Reach Router, Babel 6, ESLint, Prettier and to lazy load images react-lazy-load-image-component. For styling it relies on NES.css and Sass. And, finally, Parcel to bundle then all and delivery it.
Keywords: React, Axios, ReactDOM, React Context, Reach Router, NES.css, Sass, Flex CSS, Parcel.